Genuine passion.

True Accounting.


James Han



a fully licensed firm based in the California Bay Area

Big firm capability.

Small firm personality.

Do you desire the freedom of mind to work on expanding your business or just enjoy life? We understand that every individual's needs can differ, which is why we offer fully customizable maintenance as well as support packages to help manage your back office.

We provide a broad range of services to help clients secure a sound financial future. We aren't just entering data, we are reviewing it and presenting it to you in a meaningful way. Our CPAs are here to help you find the best way to reach your financial goals through insight, innovation and experience.

Don’t let unexpected IRS notices or NSF’s derail your progress. Our tax team delivers proactive planning, providing tax projections and offering continuous support. With H&H CPAs, you will always be in compliance and won’t get caught in tax surprises or adjustments every year.

We'll review your income statement and general ledger system each month, which allows us to hunt down any discrepancies such as double billings or any unrecorded payments. Then we'll fix the discrepancies so your books are always accurate and kept in tip top shape.

  • 90% of Taxpayers
    feel more confident with CPAs
  • 72% of Americans
    use CPAs for their taxes
  • 77% of Taxpayers
    get larger refunds with CPAs
  • 100% of Clients
    are satisfied with our services

Let's Work Together

Take a look at some of our services


Your taxes will be triple checked by our computer software reviewing the math to limit IRS contacts as well as any potential problems. Everything can be filed electronically for quicker refunds.

Tax Services

As a small business owner you have more important things to do than to keep your own books. We take care of your books for you, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits!

Financial Help

Along with unlimited consultations, we provide you with monthly income statements and balance sheets, reconcile your business checking account each month, and clean up your general ledger.

File Handling

If you own a small business and haven't kept up your bookkeeping, we'll prepare your bookkeeping for the year, as well as your full Schedule C, income tax return, and an effective system for future use.

Tax Problems?


Meet the team

Here are some of our people

Our Promise

A message from our founder

This firm is built upon the belief that the accounting profession is for more than just preparing tax returns and inputting numbers. We believe accountants have the duty to offer true and lasting value to our clients, and that’s what we strive to do every single day.

Our goal is to provide you monthly, up-to-date financial statements along with short-term and long-term projections, allowing you to continually have your finger on the pulse of your business, maximizing opportunities and stream-lining efficiencies.

We feel it is extremely important to continually professionally educate ourselves to improve our technical expertise, financial knowledge and service to our clients. Whether you’re an individual needing tax advice or a large corporation seeking strategic consulting, we promise an innovative, personal and efficient delivery of service.

We wish you prosperity and health. Thank you for visiting our firm.


James S. Han

Excellent Quality


Contact Us Today

Here's how you can reach and find us

Taxes a problem?

Schedule a meeting.

  • Santa Clara
    100 Saratoga Ave #310
  • james@
    jhancpa +
  • Mon - Fri
    regular business hours
  • Call us at
    + 1 ( 408 ) 246 - 5090